Zimmerli Art Museums Receives National Endowment for the Arts Grant to Support Exhibit on Angela Davis

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Zimmerlie Art Museum receives $45,000 from NEA grant to support upcoming exhibit on activist Angela Davis.” quote=”Zimmerlie Art Museum receives $45,000 from NEA grant to support upcoming exhibit on activist Angela Davis.”]The Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey received a $45,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to support an upcoming exhibit on activist Angela Davis.

The grant comes from Art Works, the NEA’s principal grants program, which provides project-based funding. Art Works supports projects in a number of different disciplines that integrate art into community life. Art Works awarded 977 grants totaling over twenty-three million dollars for the second round of funding in fiscal year 2019.

Zimmerli’s grant supported exhibit Angela is Happening! Angela Davis: Image and Text examines the significance of Davis’ image and writings. The centerpiece of the exhibit is a private archive curated by Lisbet Tellefsen, an archivist who specializes in late twentieth-century political African Americana. Visitors to the exhibit will be invited to use the archival materials to rethink how Angela Davis’ image has been given many different meanings. Angela is Happening! will also include contemporary works of art to show the activist’s continued relevance.

Angela is Happening! Angela Davis: Image and Text opens in September 2020.