Workshop, From Here to There: Exhibit Development for Small Museums

From PA Museums:

On Monday, November 5, PA Museums is hosting a workshop at the State Museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The workshop, which will run from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm is intended to give staff members of small museums the tools to expand their programs.

Does your institution operate on less than $50,000 annually? Do you operate with volunteers? Do you want to move forward despite limited funds and staff? That’s what the Jefferson County History Center wanted in 2001. Find out how you, too, can grow from a house to three buildings; from an operating budget of $4000 to one of $80,000; from an all-volunteer staff to a mix of 7; and from labeling “stuff” to award-winning exhibits recognized by the American Association for State and Local History.

The program will include a presentation, discussion, activities, time for lunch, and a 1 p.m. behind the scenes tour of part of The State Museum for about an hour.


Ken Burkett is the executive director of the Jefferson County History Center and a field archaeologist for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. A current project in the county is the documentation of the Dedicated Rocks of Douglas Stahlman.

Carole A. Briggs is the long-time volunteer curator at the Jefferson County History Center. Besides maintaining the collections, she enjoys writing and exhibit production.

Members: $30

Non Members: $40

Box lunch is included in registration.

If you have any questions or would like to register for this program, please contact Chrisoula Perdziola at PA Museums, (412) 999-9499.