Women's History Month Conference at Rutgers-Camden Seeks Presenters

Disrupting Power and Privilege to Empower Women will take place on March 25, 2016.

The Women’s and Gender Studies Program and The Community Leadership Center at Rutgers University-Camden seek presenters for a one-day conference on Friday, March 25, 2016 on the campus of Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey.

The organizations invite faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, activists, scholars, artists in all fields to propose panels, papers, roundtable discussions, workshops, and performances. Proposals are welcome to address the conference theme or to focus on other topics related to gender.

Panel formats will include 60-minute sessions of 2-3 presenters. Workshops, roundtables, and performances will be 60 minutes. Proposals may include a single paper abstract or may include several presenters’ related abstracts for a panel discussion. Workshop and round table proposals should describe discussion topic and objectives.

The conference leaders are welcoming proposals from all local community members including areas of art, literature, government, education, and media.

Panel proposals and abstracts are due by February 29, 2016.

From: Rutgers-Camden