Westfield Historic Preservation Commission Call for Entries for Harry Devlin Awards

The Westfield Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) seeks entries for the Harry Devlin Award program that honors property owners for outstanding efforts in the restoration, expansion, and maintenance of older properties. Projects visible to the public and completed within the past five years are eligible. Residential, commercial, professional, and institutional buildings may also be entered.

According to the Westfield HPC, the categories for nomination include:

  • Addition or alteration sensitive to original architecture
  • Restoration or repair of original or existing improvement
  • Period-appropriate painting or residing
  • Adaptive reuse of a property in a manner sensitive to the original architecture and/or neighborhood
  • Persons, actions or events which promote preservation may also be considered.

Named after Harry Devlin, a prominent local artist and architectural historian, the Devlin Commendations were established in 1993 to encourage the use of historic preservation standards. This year’s awards will be awarded in September alongside an exhibition of Devlin’s work. The deadline for entries is July 15, 2023.

For more information, click here.  For criteria and entry forms, click here.