Unconference: Telling Untold Stories

Telling Untold Histories – New Jersey’s annual unconference that looks for human stories yet to be told – will be held on April 26, 2019, in the Paul Robeson’s Campus Center at Rutgers-University Newark.

We all tell stories. But how we tell those stories changes depending on who and where we are and on the conditions of our lives and institutions. People of color, women, LGBTQ and gender nonconforming people, and people with differing abilities have used various strategies–from whisper networks and kitchen conversations to protests and public demonstrations–to speak truth when society prefers they remain silent. Either way can make change, but as Maya Angelou wrote, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Telling Untold Histories – New Jersey’s annual unconference that looks for human stories yet to be told – will explore these histories on April 26, 2019, in the Paul Robeson’s Campus Center at Rutgers-University Newark.

Who should attend? Curators and educators, archivists and archaeologists, oral historians and librarians, historic preservationists and community activists, grantmakers and funders, and all history lovers!

The day’s workshops are planned beforehand, are skilled-based and interactive; they occur simultaneously so participants choose which one to attend on arrival. The skills you learn and share will allow you to improve how untold histories are told. Artist Marisa Williamson will give a keynote, “Ghosts and Other Unseen Subjects.” Six skills-based workshops will be offered.

Registration fee includes light breakfast, coffee, tea, and lunch. If you have dietary restrictions, please note them on the registration form and we will attempt to accommodate them.

The unconference will take place on the campus of Rutgers University-Newark, which is easily reachable by mass transit. For information on how to get to campus, please visit the university’s page for maps and directions.

Find more info at untoldhistories.org . Registration costs $20 + processing fee and can be done at the Eventbrite page.

(text from eventbrite page.)