The New Jersey Association of Museums Annual Meeting: Establishing the Gold Standard for New Jersey Museums

The New Jersey Association of Museums (NJAM) will hold its Annual Meeting, Establishing the Gold Standard for New Jersey Museums, on June 5, 2023, at the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton Township.

In celebration of its 50th year, the NJAM will host a one-day convening celebration of its golden anniversary, where discussions will center around what museums across the state have learned over the past 50 years and what the future of New Jersey museums may look like in 50 years. Museum directors, curators, educators, board members, and other professionals are invited to attend. Sessions will explore the best practices for museum operations, collections, visitor experience, and education.

Dr. Vedet Coleman-Robinson will be the keynote speaker at the Annual Meeting. Dr. Coleman-Robinson is the Executive Director (ex officio) of the Association of African American Museums (AAAM). She comes to AAAM from the National Park Service (NPS), where she served for eleven years as a Grants Management Specialist within the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division (STLPG). At the NPS, Dr. Coleman-Robinson was the Program Lead for the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Grant (HBCU) and the Underrepresented Community Grant Programs for STLPG. Learn more about Dr. Vedet Coleman-Robinson here.

For more information on the NJAM Annual Meeting and to purchase tickets, click here.