New Grant Program at NJCH
The New Jersey Council for the Humanities funds nonprofit organizations to develop meaningful humanities projects for New Jersey audiences.
The New Jersey Council for the Humanities funds nonprofit organizations to develop meaningful humanities projects for New Jersey audiences.
On March 16, 2016, middle school students in Philadelphia gathered at the National Constitution Center to present their various projects to judges in hopes of securing scholarship funds and a place in the Pennsylvania State Contest.
The proposals are due July 31, 2015 and the festival will be on September 26-27, 2015.
Registration is now open to attend the 2015 District of Columbia Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation.
The Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections documents the history of the Pennsylvania Hospital from 1751 to the present.
Confluence: Considering the Anacostia presents four views of the Anacostia River from photographers who approach their shared subject through distinct lenses.
New Freedom, New Lives: The 42nd Annual Conference on D.C. Historical Studies will take place on November 12-15, 2015.
The New Jersey Council for the Humanities is hosting three grant workshops in New Jersey.
The National Constitution Center has announced plans for a new exhibit, “?Speaking Out For Equality: The Constitution, Gay Rights, and the Supreme Court?.”
Do you know of an excellent scholarly book written about the history of New Jersey?