Reception and Lecture to Honor Dr. Martin Levitt, Librarian at the American Philosophical Society

The Temple University Department of History, the American Philosophical Society, and the Temple University Alumni Association have announced a special reception and lecture in honor of Dr. Martin Levitt, librarian at the American Philosophical Society. Dr. Levitt earned his doctoral degree at Temple University in 1991, and has taught archival studies courses for Temple’s History program for many years.

Home Before The Leaves Fall

“Home Before the Leaves Fall: The Great War 1914-1918,” a collaborative commemoration of World War I by heritage and educational institutions through the City of Philadelphia, kicked off at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania on June 26. Peter John Williams, author of a pictorial history, Philadelphia The War Years delivered a talk that highlighted Philadelphia’s importance as the third largest city in the United States at the start of World War I and as a manufacturing powerhouse known as the “workshop of the world.” Nearly 60, 000 Philadelphia men and 2,000 Philadelphia women served in World War I and thousands more worked in factories and shipyards supporting the war effort. A large naval yard, munitions manufacturing, and an aviation training facility transformed Philadelphia during the years of the Great War into fully mobilized war time economy more commonly associated with the World War II home front.