Symposium: Out of Control Suburbs? Comparing Representations of Order, Disorder and Sprawl

From H-Material Culture:

On June 27-28, Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York will host the symposium Out of Control Suburbs? Comparing Representations of Order, Disorder and Sprawl.  

Following the success of our 2011 Inaugural Symposium, our second meeting seeks to discuss the nature and representation of suburbs, suburban life and sprawl whether local, regional or global. Where are the margins of suburbia and do they represent order, disorder or nostalgia? How is sprawl defined – as organic social process or negative cultural impact? And how is it experienced by diverse communities and individuals? What are the aesthetics of order and sprawl? How do representations of suburban sprawl and disorder converge or diverge between the Global South and North – and within the Global North?

Links to the symposium program, registration and accommodations are available on the conference website.