Scholarship and Partnerships:The State of History in the National Parks

Save the Date: A forum co-sponsored by the National Park Service, Northeast Region, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) at Rutgers-Camden.

Rutgers-Camden Campus Center
Wednesday, November 6, 1:30-5 p.m.
(Career program for students preceding, 12:20-1 p.m.)

How is the presentation of history changing in our national parks? How do all of us – visitors, park professionals, scholars, and students – work together to shape a complex yet accessible understanding of the nation’s history?

In 2011, a report titled “Imperiled Promise: The State of History in the National Parks” issued a call to action. Produced through a collaboration of the Organization of American Historians and the National Park Service, the report highlighted the best of historical practice in the national parks but also called for the parks to “recommit to history as one of its core purposes and invest in building a top-flight program of historical research and interpretation that will foster consistently effective and integrated historic preservation and robust, place-based visitor engagement with history.” In this spirit, the goal of this forum is to build awareness and collaboration for the future of history in the national parks. By focusing on one case study of change through scholarship and partnership – Valley Forge National Historical Park – we will gain a deeper appreciation for history as a pillar of civic life.

This program is open to the public. Advance registration information and materials for use by attendees, students, and teachers, will be provided online at least one month in advance on the website of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities: