Save the Date: Miller Memorial Lecture and New Philadelphia History Forum, April 24

This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of Still Philadelphia: A Photographic History, 1890-1940, one of the most acclaimed and successful photographic history books of the past generation. Compiled and written by Fredric M. Miller, Morris J. Vogel and Allen F. Davis, Still Philadelphia—which stands out as one of the best selling book’s in Temple University Press’s historystill shapes how the region’s history is told, while inspiring a new generation of social historians and photographers. The 2013 Fredric M. Miller Lecture joins with Temple University’s New Philadelphia History Forum in organizing a presentation of the book on April 24, 5-7:30 p.m. at the Philadelphia History Museum, 15 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, 19106. Morris J. Vogel (President, Lower East Side Tenement Museum) and Allen F. Davis (Professor Emeritus, Temple University) will be joined by Philadelphia Inquirer metropolitan photography editor Cheryl Shugars for a roundtable discussion on the book’s legacy, the origins of the project, and the role of photography in shaping urban memory.

Free and open to the public. Wine and Cheese reception begins at 5 p.m.  Advance registration requested:

The Fredric M. Miller Lecture in Public History is administered by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) at Rutgers-Camden.  The New Philadelphia History Forum, now in its second year, is an annual public discussion of the emerging scholarship of the region’s history.