Richard P. McCormick Prize

Do you know of an excellent scholarly book written about the history of New Jersey?

Do you know of an excellent scholarly book written about the history of New Jersey? Offered in alternating years, the Richard P. McCormick Prize for a scholarly publication is an award of $1,500 to the author of an outstanding scholarly book on the Garden State’s history published during the preceding two years (2013 and/or 2014).

Richard P. McCormick (1916-2006) was a historian, former University Professor History, administrator, professor emeritus at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, and President of the New Jersey Historical Society. Dr. McCormick was internationally renowned for his knowledge of New Jersey and early American political history.

Individuals may be nominated by others, or they may self-nominate. The nomination form is available on the Commission’s website at All completed nominations made by eligible nominees will be evaluated on the published criteria by an independent panel of reviewers. Their recommendations will be forwarded to the New Jersey Historical Commission’s standing Committee on Grants, Prizes, and Awards for further review.

Applicants must submit two copies of the nominated book and the form by April 2, 2015 (postmarked) to the following address:

Niquole Primiani
Chief Programs Officer
New Jersey Historical Commission
225 West State Street, PO Box 305
Trenton, NJ 08625-0305


Notification will be made in the fall of 2015 and the the prize will be given at the New Jersey Historical Commission’s annual conference in November 2015.

To read an interview with Dr. McCormick, from 1997, about Rutgers history during the sixties, click here.

From: H-Net