Registration Open for Fifteenth International Conference on Inclusive Museum

The 2022 Annual Conference “Rethinking the Museum” explores the role of visitors, collections, and representatives in the global, inclusive museum experience. The conference embraces public history accessibility and diversity by offering a blended conference model, available to both in-person and virtually attendees. The blended model includes colloquiums, themed papers, workshops, talking circles, garden conversations, and plenary sessions. Regular presentation registration closes on March 22, and the late registration closes on April 22.  Details about the Blended Ways of Speaking format can be found here.

The conference will be hybrid of online and in-person at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia on Friday, April 22 through Sunday, April 24, 2022. As of today, in-person attendance requires valid photo identification and proof of vaccination. Online participants will be highly integrated into the in-person conversations. More information about the conference can be found here.

The Inclusive Museum Research Network fosters an international community dedicated to the inclusion and diversity of the future role of the museum. It sponsors its annual conference, and its quarterly journal and newsletter.