Find Your Perfect Match: Grantmakers and History Organizations, Perfect Together

How do you find the right funder for your needs? Join us on April 10 to hear from some of New Jersey’s top funders about what they look for in successful proposals.

Date: Monday, April 10
Time: 9:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m
Location: Cherry Hill Public Library, 1100 Kings Hwy N, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Cost: $25 (includes lunch)

Maybe you have a great idea for an exhibit, or you want to work with a neighborhood organization on an outreach project. Perhaps your building needs a new HVAC system, or you want to develop a strategic plan. What sorts of grants are available to history organizations to help pay for these types of projects? How do you find the right funder for your needs? What are the requirements and expectations of different funders?

Join us on April 10 at the Cherry Hill Public Library to hear from some of New Jersey’s top funders about what they look for in successful proposals. This conversation with funders, sponsored by the New Jersey Historical Commission, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, the New Jersey Historic Trust, and the New Jersey Council on the Humanities, will help answer these questions and introduce workshop participants to the range of grant funding available, from government agencies to private foundations to corporate funders.

Panelists include Sara Cureton, Director, the New Jersey Historical Commission; Gigi Naglak, Director of Grants and Programs, the New Jersey Council for the Humanities; Lois Greco, Senior Vice President, Evaluations, Wells Fargo Regional Foundation; Sharnita Johnson, Program Director, Arts, the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation; Bill Leavens, VP of Operations, The Leavens Foundation; and Nina Stack, CEO, the New Jersey Council for Grantmakers.

Workshop participants will be asked to come prepared to talk about their projects and funding needs, and time will be set aside to discuss strategies. The workshop will conclude with a networking lunch.

A similar workshop will be held on October 10 at Washington’s Headquarters, Morristown National Historical Park.



New Jersey Council for the Humanities