Pubcomm 2011 – Building Public History Collaboration

Nearly 60 public history students, professionals, and faculty attended an inaugural Public History Community Forum organized to build community and collaboration in the Philadelphia region.  Initiated by MARCH and cosponsored by the Temple University Center for Public History, the event on April 29 offered tours and informal roundtable discussions about recent projects, career issues, and opportunities for collaboration. Among the student participants were contingents from Temple, Rutgers-Camden, Villanova, University of the Arts, and West Chester University.

Amid the fellowship, it became clear that aspiring professionals shared a common concern about their career prospects in the current economic climate.  Well-prepared by graduate programs, many are finding their opportunities limited to unpaid internships, limited-term grant projects, or part-time positions without benefits.  While these may be viewed as reasonable entry-level stepping stones into the field, the next steps are difficult to envision at a time of tight budgets for many potential employers.

Participants in the forum offered suggestions for future collaboration to share information and better prepare new professionals for the realities of public history work today.  In an evaluation survey completed after the event, participants advocated highly the creation of an online bulletin board for sharing information about projects and needs.  In addition, many supported a proposal to create training seminars on new media skills, grant-writing, and entrepreneurship, to better prepare the next generation of public historians.

MARCH thanks all who helped by staging or participating in this event — watch for further news about our emerging collaboration for public history in and around Philadelphia.