Preservation NJ Announces 2021’s 10 Most Endangered Historic Sites

Earlier this week, advocacy group Preservation New Jersey released its annual list of the ten most endangered historic sites across the state.

The 10 Most Endangered Historic Places program highlights historic, architectural, archeological, and cultural resources that are in immediate danger of being lost. Sites are nominated by the public. Preservation New Jersey then selects sites for the list based on three criteria: historic significance and architectural integrity, the critical nature of the threat identified, and the likelihood that inclusion on the list will have a positive impact on efforts to protect the resource.

Emily Manz, Preservation New Jersey director, described the goal of the list as attracting public attention to these resources. “The act of listing these resources acknowledges their importance to the heritage of New Jersey and draws attention to the predicaments that endanger their survival and the survival of historic resources statewide,” Manz said.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a new challenge for the survival of historic resources– enough of a challenge that Preservation New Jersey dedicated one spot on the list to the impact of COVID-19. Preservation groups and non-profits have seen less funding as a result of the pandemic, and historic sites that house commercial enterprises have suffered loss in revenue. Preservation New Jersey reminds the public that those operating historic sites will need financial support to get through this period.

Preservation New Jersey’s 10 Most Endangered Historic Places list for 2021 can be viewed here.