Preservation NJ Announces 2021 Historic Preservation Award Winners

The non-profit historic preservation organization Preservation New Jersey has announced the winners of its 2021 historic preservation awards.

Each year Preservation New Jersey recognizes historic preservation projects across the state that represent excellence in the field. Awards are given for outstanding projects, nomination reports and documents, and outstanding work done by a Historic Preservation Commission. This year the organization also introduced new awards categories including the Young Preservationist Award, Dr. Doris C. Carpenter Excellence Award, and Constance Greiff Writing Award.

A wide range of projects and groups received awards this year. “Preservation New Jersey is excited to be recognizing so many diverse, innovative projects from all across the state and the people and organization making preservation possible,” Matthew Pisarski, President of the Board of Director of Preservation New Jersey, said in a press release.

This year’s winners include Dolly Marshall, a preservation activist recognized for her work with the African American burial ground Mount Peace Cemetery; Taylor Nicole Henry, the youngest president of the Wildwood Historical Society and co-founder of the group Preserving the Wildwoods; and the adaptive reuse project of Bell Labs, among others.

The awards will be presented on October 13 at the 1867 Sanctuary in Ewing. A full list of winners can be seen here.