Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Awards 48 Historic Preservation Grants Across the State

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PMHC) announced 48 recipients of its Keystone Historic Preservation Grants.

According to the PHMC, the grant program supports projects that identify, preserve, promote, and protect historic and archaeological resources in Pennsylvania for the benefit of the public and the revitalization of communities.

The commission awarded 48 grants that were selected from 101 applications. The grants ranged from $5,000 to $25,000 for project grants and $5,000 to $100,000 for construction projects. All grants require a 50/50 cash match and were awarded through a competitive selection process. The grants receive funding from the Keystone Recreation, Park & Conservation Fund, which is supported annually from a portion of the state realty transfer tax revenue.

PHMC awarded $2.58 million in grants to 48 organizations across the state. A full list of grant recipients can be found here.