Pennsylvania Abolition Society Seeking Grant Proposals

The Pennsylvania Abolition Society, formed by Anthony Benezet and the first abolition society in the world, seeks proposals for its annual grants to its fund established at the The Philadelphia Foundation.  Applications are due January 3, 2012.

Requests for grants are sought from 501(c)(3) organizations and programs that work to improve conditions of African Americans throughout Pennsylvania, particularly in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties. Examples of proposals that would be considered include projects confronting racism, preserving African American monuments, fighting housing discrimination, promoting multicultural arts, exposing children to multicultural opportunities, offering recognition awards, providing scholarships for persons of African American descent in seeking higher education, and improving the quality of race relations in Pennsylvania.  Typically, these grants range in size from $500 to $2,000, although some grants have been higher.  Applicants must submit:

  • Letter of application indicating that you are applying for the Pennsylvania Abolition Society Fund at the Philadelphia Foundation
  • Description of project or program to be funded and the desired amount (may be included in letter of application
  • Application summary sheet
  • Background summary information about the organization and program
  • Copy of IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter
The application form is available here (PDF)

Mail to:
The Pennsylvania Abolition Society Fund
c/o The Philadelphia Foundation
1234 Market Street, Suite 1800
Philadelphia PA 19107

(From PAS)