PAGE Fellows Program

Graduate students with a demonstrated interest in public scholarship and/or artistic practice may apply for a 2015-2016 Publicly Active Graduate Education (PAGE) Fellowship.

Graduate students with a demonstrated interest in public scholarship and/or artistic practice may apply for a 2015-2016 Publicly Active Graduate Education (PAGE) Fellowship. Awardees receive $500 to attend a half-day Fellows Summit on September 30th and the 2015 IA national conference, October 1-3 in Baltimore, Maryland. Fellows also commit to participating in a yearlong working group to promote collaborative art-making, teaching, writing, and research projects. Graduate students at all stages of their MA/MFA/PhD programs may apply to be PAGE Fellows. Only students who are affiliated with IA member institutions are eligible for this award.

PAGE (Publicly Active Graduate Education) is Imagining America’s network for publicly engaged graduate students in humanities, arts, and design. PAGE enhances the theoretical and practical tools for public engagement; fosters a national, interdisciplinary community of peers and veteran scholars; and creates opportunities for collaborative knowledge production. The PAGE consortium, made up of alumni and allies of the program, promotes opportunities for mentorship and peer support from IA’s network.

Fellows also commit to participating in a yearlong working group to promote collaborative art-making, teaching, writing, and research projects. PAGE alumni and Fellows will work together to organize monthly conference calls around themes and questions relevant to the needs of publicly engaged graduate students. In doing so, PAGE looks to foster a cohort of Fellows interested in pursuing collective and innovative scholarly practices. Fellows are asked to be active participants in the Imagining America network through writing for the IA blog and related journals and presenting at regional meetings, campus workshops, or other related professional convenings. Additionally, each Fellow will be tasked with co-facilitating a webinar or workshop during the 2015-2016 academic year. Past examples include: book group discussions, virtual dinner parties, guest lectures, skill-building demonstrations, and music performances.

Graduate students at all stages of their MA/MFA/PhD programs may apply to be PAGE Fellows. Applicants must be graduate students during the entire 2015-2016 academic year, but do not have to be planning a career within higher education. This award is open to all graduate students within the Imagining America network; we do not require U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residency to be a PAGE Fellow. Note: Only students who are affiliated with Imagining America member institutions are eligible for this award. For a list of member institutions, and more information about Imagining America, visit

The deadline for submissions is May 18, 2015. To apply, click here.

From: Imagining America