PACHS 2012 Introductory Symposium

From the Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science:

The Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science invites faculty, graduate students, fellows, and other scholars new to the area to present brief summaries of their work in the history of science, technology and medicine.

The Philadelphia area is home to exceptional resources and a vibrant scholarly community. Students and scholars from around the world arrive each year to visit some of America’s oldest scientific institutions and to study their rich collections of rare books, manuscripts and artifacts—often unaware of the exciting research being done by others in the area, sometimes mere blocks away. This symposium will be an opportunity for scholars new to the field or new to the area to learn about each others’ work, to meet each other and to exchange advice about research, writing and area resources. We will also invite several librarians and archivists to introduce themselves and their collections to participants.

The symposium will be on Friday, September 28 with ample opportunity for informal discussion over food and refreshments.

If you would like to present a synopsis of your work, please send an email by September 1 to containing:

  • Your name
  • Your affiliation
  • A tentative title for your talk
  • The details of any fellowships you have been awarded from area institutions for 2012-2013, including the name of the institution and the full name of the fellowship.

Please forward this email to anyone who would be interested in giving a short talk about their work in the history of science, technology or medicine.

Last year’s schedule is available on the PACHS website.