Welcome to Our New Web Site

Visitors to our web site will notice that this March was a busy month at MARCH, as we launched new media tools to help us all keep in touch and to shine a light on collaborations and innovations in public humanities.

The web site has been completely redesigned to offer frequently changing and interactive content.  We are pleased to feature four bloggers who will write regularly on managing history in public; civic engagement; public humanities; and topics of interest to next-generation professionals. Please welcome them by commenting on their first posts! On the web site, you also will find news items, including calendar listings from our variety of professional organizations in the Mid-Atlantic. Social media tools will make it easy to follow the site through your customary news reader or to share items of interest with colleagues.

We also have made some changes in Cross Ties, the MARCH newsletter, to create an electronic publication. Appearing more frequently than in the past – six times a year – each issue will provide a thought-provoking lead article, a conference calendar, short news items, and links to our new web site.  If you do not receive the March/April issue of Cross Ties in your email, it may mean that we do not have your email address.  Please take a moment to send it to us, using the box on the right side of this page, and you will not miss another issue.

The MARCH listserv will continue to provide all subscribers with the opportunity to reach public humanities professionals throughout our region. Every week or two, subscribers also will receive plain-text emails with links to new content on the MARCH web site.

We hope that you will find these services useful, and we look forward to staying in touch and supporting your work.  The contact form on our web site provides an easy new way to let us know what you think and what you need from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities.