Organization of American Historians/National Council on Public History 2012 Award Winners

From the History News Network:

Below is a list of award winners at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians/National Council on Public History. Full OAH coverage can be found here.

Roy Rosenzweig Distinguished Service Award: Ira Berlin

Frederick Jackson Turner Award: David Sehat, Georgia State University.The Myth of American Religious Freedom

Merle Curti Award: Susan J. Pearson, Northwestern University. The Rights of the Defenseless: Protecting Animals and Children in Gilded Age America

James A. Rawley Prize: Cindy Hamovitch, College of William & Mary. No Man’s Land: Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor

Richard W. Leopold Prize: William A. Dobak, U.S. Army Center of Military History (retired). Freedom by the Sword: The U.S. Colored Troops, 1862-1877

Avery O. Craven Award: Nicole Etcheson, Ball State University. A Generation at War: The Civil War Era in a Northern Community

Ellis W. Hawley: Darren Dochuk, Purdue University. From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism

Liberty Legacy Foundation Award: Tomiko Brown-Nagin, University of Virginia. Courage to Dissent: Atlanta and the Long History of the Civil Rights Movement

Lawrence W. Levine Award: Michael Willrich, Brandeis University. Pox: An American History

Darlene Clark Hine Award: Serena Mayeri, University of Pennsylvania Law School. Reasoning from Race: Feminism, Law, and the Civil Rights Revolution

Lerner-Scott Prize: Katherine Turk, University of Chicago. “Equality on Trial: Women and Work in the Age of Title VII”

Louis Pelzer Memorial Award: Hidetaka Hirota, Boston College. “The Moment of Transition: State Officials, the Federal Government, and the Formation of American Immigration Policy.” (Scheduled to appear in the March 2013 Journal of American History)

Binkley-Stephenson Award: Kevin J. Mumford, University of Iowa. “The Trouble with Gay Rights: Race and the Politics of Sexual Orientation in Philadelphia, 1969-1982

David Thelen Award: Nathalie Caron, Universite Paris-Est Creteil (sic) and Naomi Woulf, Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 (sic) “The American Enlightenment: Continuity and Renewal”

Huggins-Quarles Award: Mekala S. Audain, Rutgers University–New Brunswick. “Southern Canaan: U.S. Fugitive Slaves in Mexico and the Expanding American Frontier, 1804-1865”

Tachau Teacher of the Year Award: Robert Good, Ladue Horton Watkins High School (MO).

Erik Barnouw Award:

Chad Freidrichs, Director and Assistant Professor, Digital Filmmaking Department, Stephens College. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: An Urban History

Linda Hoaglund, Director and Producer, ANPO: Art x War

OAH-JAAS Short-Term Residencies

Scott Laderman, University of Minnesota, Duluth: Ehime University

Danielle L. McGuire, Wayne State University: Yamaguchi University

Germany Residency Program: Bryant Simon, Temple University

OAH/Immigration and Ethnic History Society John Higham Travel Grants

Aaron Bryant, University of Maryland, College Park

Cynthia Greenlee-Donnell, Duke University