Once in a While Wednesday at Peachfield in NJ

The event will take place September 23, 2015.

Did you know that more than 400 women were encamped at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-1778. Who were they?  What did they do?  Much has been written about the Valley Forge winter and of Washington’s fortitude there, but little has been said about the women of, and with, the Continental Army.

Meet the officers’ wives, the wives and mothers of the enlisted soldiers and volunteers, and women who followed the army because they had nowhere else to go. The stories of General Washington’s cook and housekeeper will surprise you, too.   You will learn of a Valley Forge that you never even knew existed.

Admission is $10 per person.  Prepaid reservations are recommended as seating is limited.  This program, which takes place on September 23, 2015, is well-suited for children of all ages.

Dr. Nancy Loane, a former seasonal park ranger at Valley Forge National Historical Park, is a recognized authority on Valley Forge and the women at the 1777-78 Valley Forge encampment. She is the author the critically acclaimed book, Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment. Described as “truly one of the great books on the Valley Forge encampment,” Following the Drum received the American Revolution Round Table of Philadelphia’s “Best Book of the Year”.  Autograph copies will be available at the presentation for $25.00.

NSCDA-NJ has received an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.

The program takes place at Peachfield, the Headquarters of The National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of New Jersey, 180 Burrs Road, Westampton, NJ 08060.  Please call 609/267-6996 or email colonialdamesnj@comcast.net.

From: H-NJ