OHA 2013 Award Winners

From H-Oralhist:

The Oral History Association is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 OHA Awards.  Winners will be honored at the 2013 OHA Annual Meeting, to be held from October 9-13, 2013 at the Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. For more information about the meeting, go to http://www.oralhistory.org/annual-meeting/.

We draw special attention to Emilye Crosby of the State University of New York at Geneseo, who won the OHA’s Article Award for her piece, “White Privilege, Black Burden: Lost Opportunities and Deceptive Narratives in School Desegregation in Claiborne County, Mississippi,” published in the Fall 2012 Oral History Review.  Dr. Crosby has been a member of SUNY Geneseo’s faculty since 1995.  Her research focuses on African American history, the Civil Rights Movement, and Women’s history.  She edited a collection of essays entitled, Civil Rights History from the Ground Up: Local Struggles, a National Movement.  Crosby’s monograph,  A Little Taste of Freedom: The Black Freedom Struggle in Claiborne County, Mississippi received the 2006 McLemore Prize from the Mississippi Historical Society.

Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!

Book Award (Tie) –
Yasmin Saikia, Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971 (Duke 2011)

Sean Field, Oral History, Community, and Displacement: Imagining Memories in Post-Apartheid South Africa (Palgrave 2012)

Elizabeth B. Mason Project Award –
Large Project (>$50,000) – Reed College Oral History Project (Reed College, Gay Walker, coordinator)

Small Project (<$50,000) – The “Big Top” Show Goes On (Oklahoma State University, Tanya Finchum and Juliana Nykolaiszyn, co-directors)

Martha Ross Teaching Award –
Falana McDaniel, McComb Legacies Project, McComb High School, McComb, MS

Nonprint Format Award –
Joanna Hay, Frankfort, KY Public Art Tour

Stetson Kennedy Vox Populi Award (Tie) –
Rosalie Riegle

Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, University of Florida