Nominations Open for MAAM Katherine Coffey Award

From the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums:

The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums is accepting nominations for the Katherine Coffey Award.  The Coffey Award is given in recognition of achievement in the museum field and is MAAM’s highest honor.  Nominations should include a letter that introduces the nominee and explains their contributions to the museum field, and must include the nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae.  They are due by September 15, 2012 to the committee chair:

Coffey Award Committee Chair
Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums
1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW • Suite 500 East
Washington, DC 20007

The Katherine Coffey Award will be presented at the MAAM Annual MeetingBuilding Audiences, Visitor Engagement: A Foundation for Our Future, in Tarrytown, New York, October 7-9, 2012.