NJ Historical Commission Award Nominations

Nominations are due August 31, 2015.

The New Jersey Historical Commission is accepting nominations for the Hughes Awards and Awards of Recognition. The Richard J. Hughes Award is given every year for outstanding, lifetime achievement in the field of New Jersey history. Awards of Recognition are given every year to individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to New Jersey history. All submissions will be accepted electronically using the nomination form on the Commission’s website.

The following categories are taken into consideration for the Awards of Recognition category:

  • For multiple contributions made over time
  • For those who have had a positive impact on the ways in which audiences and/or communities are engaged in history
  • For scholarship, public service, conservation and preservation efforts, special events, and teaching
  • For helping to increase public awareness

The Awards of Recognition Nominations must be submitted on a nomination form by a supporter (self-nominations are no longer allowed), must include a brief explanation of why the award should be given to the nominee (1-2 pages), and must include a short vitae (3 page maximum) stating major accomplishments.

Nominations are due by August 31, 2015.

For further guidelines, click here.

The Nomination Form can be found here.

A complete list of past recipients of these awards can be found here.

From: H-New Jersey