NJSAA General Meeting Honors Authors

The New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance welcomed the winners of its Author Awards on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at Rutgers-New Brunswick.

The New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance welcomed the winners of its Author Awards on Wednesday, December 2, 2015.

The winners are as follows:

*James J. Gigantino II – The Ragged Road to Abolition: Slavery and Freedom in New Jersey, 1775-1865 (Scholarly category)
*Joseph A. Grabas – Owning New Jersey: Historic Tales of War, Property Disputes & the Pursuit of Happiness (Popular category)
*John Delaney – Nova Caesarea: A Cartographic Record of the Garden State, 1666-1888 (Reference category)

The panel was held in the Pane Room at the Alexander Library, Rutgers University, 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick.

The New Jersey authors’ awards were instituted in 1994 to encourage and celebrate books about New Jersey.  Awards are considered for works in five, non-fiction categories. Winning books provide a new understanding of New Jersey’s history and culture, demonstrate evidence of original research in the application of New Jersey resources and/or reveal new insights into a topic.

From: H-New Jersey