NJ Program Offers Discounted Admissions to Cultural Institutions for People on Public Assistance

A new program in New Jersey offers discounted admissions to cultural institutions for residents who receive public assistance.

The Families First Discovery Pass program, sponsored by the State Council on the Arts, the New Jersey Historical Commission, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Health, focuses on residents who receive state assistance with income, food, and childcare. The goal of the program is to “address the financial barriers that prevent participation from all community members in the rich arts, culture, and history of New Jersey.”

Cultural institutions do not receive public money to subsidize the discounted admission, but instead voluntarily participate. In exchange for participation, the State offers marketing and promotion benefits, as well as training in customer service and inclusion as it relates to the program. Participating institutions must offer the discounted admission to qualifying residents during regular operating hours.

Currently, over 50 institutions across the state are participating the in the program, including Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May, Morven Museum & Garden, Newark Museum, and the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts.