NJ Governor Allocates $15 Million to Arts Relief

This week New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed a bill reserving $15 million in federal COVID-19 relief for arts and cultural organizations.

The $15 million will be distributed as grants through two different venues. For-profit organizations will be able to receive funds through the state Economic Development Agency. Non-profits can apply for grants through the New Jersey State Council of the Arts. At least half of the total funds will be allocated for non-profit arts organizations.

Signing the bill at the West End Arts Center in Long Branch, Monmouth County, Governor Murphy explained the importance of the arts during the pandemic. “Perhaps at no other time in our recent history have we needed the arts more than we do now. Although they are a few hours of much-needed escape, the arts have always been where we’ve turned to help us put the challenges of the world into a greater context,” Governor Murphy said.

The funds are a part of a larger $100 million COVID-19 relief effort aimed at helping small businesses.