New Volume of Pennsylvania History Focuses on Environmental History

From H-Urban:

Pennsylvania History, A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies has issued a special volume focusing on the environmental histories of the Mid-Atlantic region.  Co-editors Allen Dieterich-Ward and Dave Hsiung worked with contributors to craft a volume that would appeal to historians of the region as well as those focused on the broader themes of environmental history and related fields.  The issue includes an interview with Joel A. Tarr who studies the environmental history of cities and the history and impact of their technological systems, as well as contributions by scholars such as April M. Beisaw, Peter Linehan, James Longhurst and Charles Hardy III.  The full list of contributors and their articles is available under the cut.  

Volume 79, Number 4, Autumn 2012 Special Issue: Environmental Histories of the Mid-Atlantic Table of Contents

“Environmental Histories of the Mid-Atlantic: An Introduction” pp. 327-330 Allen Dieterich-Ward, David C. Hsiung

“The Changing Nature of Environmental History: An Interview with Joel A. Tarr” pp. 331-344 Allen Dieterich-Ward

New Perspectives on the Environmental History of the Mid-Atlantic

“Changes in the Genre: A Brief Survey of Early Mid-Atlantic Environmental Histories” pp. 345-356 Strother E. Roberts

“The Rise of Environmental Tourism” pp. 357-365 Thomas A. Chambers

“Environmental History of the Susquehanna Valley Around the Time of European Contact” pp. 366-376 April M. Beisaw

“The Legacy of Extraction: Reading Patterns and Ethics in Pennsylvania’s Landscape of Energy” pp. 377-394 Brian Black, Marcy Ladson

“‘Visit My Community’: The Need to Extend Environmental Justice to the Countryside” pp. 395-408 Vagel Keller

“‘Typically American”’: Trends in the History of Environmental Politics and Policy in the Mid-Atlantic Region” pp. 409-427 James Longhurst

“Dirt in the City: Urban Environmental History in the Mid-Atlantic” pp. 428-439 Ellen Stroud

“Mind over Matter: Social Justice, the Body, and Environmental History” pp. 440-450 Skylar Harris

“Farm Boundaries as Agroecological Systems” pp. 451-462 Peggy Eppig

“New Paths Toward a History of Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation” pp. 463-472 Silas Chamberlin

Teaching the Environmental History of the Mid-Atlantic

“Using the Environmental History of the Commonwealth to Enhance Pennsylvania and U.S. History Courses” pp. 473-494 Charles Hardy III

“From Seed Men to Bird Women: Pennsylvanians and the Environment” pp. 495-506 Stephen H. Cutcliffe

“Resurrecting the Story of the Passenger Pigeon in Pennsylvania” pp. 507-519 David Soll

“The Teacher and the Forest: The Pennsylvania Forestry Association, George Perkins Marsh, and the Origins of Conservation Education” pp. 520-536 Peter Linehan

Environmental Policy: New Research, New Sources, and New Directions

“‘Archival Power'” and the Future of Environmental Movement History” pp. 537-549 James Longhurst

“How to Make History Matter: The Maurice K. Goddard Legacy Project” pp. 550-565 Brenda Barrett