New Navy Museum in Washington, D.C.

The United States Navy intends to acquire land next door to the Washington Navy Yard to construct a new museum to immortalize its history and heritage. With the new museum, the Navy intends to honor the service of American sailors, provide a cultural center for those who have served and are serving today, and share the service’s stories with the public.

On the Navy’s 247th birthday, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced that the Department of the Navy settled on the land adjusted to the yard for a new National Museum of the United States Navy (NMUSN). The land would be acquired through a land exchange or direct purchase.

The Naval History and Heritage Command anticipate the museum to be open to the public in October 2025, in time for its 250th birthday. Del Toro explained that the “exhibits of this new museum will create a living memorial to the U.S. Navy’s heritage of victory and valor, bringing to life the human experiences of serving at sea.”

The Navy Museum Development Foundation is assisting with the development, design, construction, renovation, and operation of the multipurpose museum campus, a model similarly used by the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army in their national museums.

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