New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance Seeks Award Nominations

From the New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance:

Every year, the New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance presents awards to individuals who contribute to the understanding of New Jersey Studies.  Awards are given to authors of recent New Jersey books, an outstanding teacher, librarian, undergraduate scholar, and graduate scholar.  The NJSAA is accepting nominations for the Teaching Award (deadline, October 1, 2014), Roger McDonough Library Award (September 1), Paul A. Stellhorn Undergraduate Paper in New Jersey History Award (June 1), and the NJSAA Graduate Student Paper in New Jersey History Award (June 1).

About the NJSAA:

The Alliance’s mission is to bring together individuals involved in the study of New Jersey to further knowledge and act as a clearinghouse for information about teaching and research on New Jersey.  The Alliance is by its very nature interdisciplinary and involves people at every level of teaching and research.  Members include teachers (kindergarten through college), historians, geographers, museum and historical organization personnel, archivists, and librarians.  However, anyone is welcome to join NJSAA who has an interest in the study of New Jersey.