New Jersey Historical Commission Seeks Minigrant Proposals

The New Jersey Historical Commission has announced it will now accept Declarations of Intent for 2015 Round II Minigrants.

The New Jersey Historical Commission has announced it will now accept Declarations of Intent for 2015 Round II Minigrants. Proposals are open to individuals and organizations developing projects relating to New Jersey history. Round II Minigrants are restricted to projects with budgets lower than $3,000. Eligible project categories include conservation of historical materials, editorial and publication projects, educational initiatives, exhibitions, media, public programs, and research

Declarations of Intent must be submitted by December 10, 2014 through SAGE, New Jersey’s System for Administrating Grants Electronically. The submission deadline for  finalized Round II Minigrant applications is January 12, 2015.

For more information on proposal requirements, project guidelines, application procedures, and submission deadlines, visit the New Jersey Historical Commission’s website.