New Jersey Council for the Humanities Seeking an Editor for Ideas

From the NJCH:

The New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a nonprofit state partner of the National
Endowment for the Humanities, is seeking an editor for its twice-yearly print newsletter,
Ideas. NJCH, founded in 1972, promotes projects that explore and interpret the human
experience. Through annual prizes for outstanding teachers and published books, NJCH
recognizes and fosters excellence in scholarship and K-12 teaching. Special programs
bring literature, films, speakers, and other programs to hospitals and senior centers as
well as libraries, historic sites, and community centers around the state.

Currently, IDEAS reaches approximately 15,000 people with reports about NJCH events,
programs, and activities. The new editor would be tasked with helping to transform
IDEAS into a central resource for New Jerseyans who want to know what’s happening in
the humanities in New Jersey, with articles written for an educated general audience by
leading humanities figures in the state. We will also look to the editor for leadership in
moving from a print to online newsletter, or a hybrid of both. Interested candidates can
view past issues of IDEAS at

The editor would consult with NJCH management to shape each issue’s focus as well as
identify potential authors for key pieces of each issue. The editor would be responsible
for soliciting articles and images for the issue on deadline and for working with the
Council’s graphic designer, printer, and mailing house on the production of one issue
each fall and spring.

The ideal candidate for this position will have knowledge of New Jersey’s historical,
library, and cultural communities, professional editing experience, excellent writing
skills, and the ability to deliver high-quality work on deadline. Facility with Microsoft
Word is required. An undergraduate or graduate degree in a humanities discipline is a
plus. The editor would work from home. This is a contract rather than a staff position;
we estimate 80 work hours per issue. Position will pay $5000-$7000 depending upon

Applicants are invited to send a resume, a writing sample, and two references by Nov 15

Newsletter editor
New Jersey Council for the Humanities
28 W. State St., 6th floor
Trenton, NJ 08608

With questions, please call Mary Rizzo at 609-695-4838.