New Jersey Council for the Humanities Announces Commissions for Visualizing Democracy Initiative

In a press release, the New Jersey Council for the Humanities (NJCH) announced two project commissions within its Visualizing Democracy: Contemporary Conversations initiative.

According to the NJCH, April Merl will create an animated short video that will visualize different themes of “What does it mean to be a good citizen?” Democracy Conversation Project responses. Merl will analyze how the themes differ by age, urban vs. non-urban locations, etc.

Melody Marshall will create a digital interactive newspaper drawing from Democracy Conversation Project responses related to misinformation and the challenge it poses to democracy. The newspaper will include crosswords, articles, interviews with media professionals, political cartoons, etc. to convey these conversations within the archive.

For more information on the Visualizing Democracy initiative and the individual commissions, read the NJCH’s press release.