NEH Awards $17M in Awards for 208 Humanities Projects

From the National Endowment for the Humanities:

The National Endowment for the Humanities announced $17M in grants for 208 humanities projects.  The funding will support projects, fellowships for scholarly research, the creation of exhibits, digital tools and the preservation of humanities collections and reference resources.  Institutions and independent scholars from 42 states and the District of Columbia will receive NEH support.

A list of the Mid-Atlantic region’s 57 recipients after the jump, full list of recipients available here.

Delaware: (2) $115,350

Newark, University of Delaware (Summer Stipends), Project Director: James Brophy, Project Title: Democratic Publishers in Germany, 1770-1850. Outright: $6,000

Winterthur Museum (Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions), Project Director: David Roselle, Project Title: Advanced NEH Research Fellowships at Winterthur. Outright: $109,350.

District of Columbia: (3) $361,000

Folger Shakespeare Library (Humanities Collections and Reference Resources), Project Director: Stephen Enniss, Project Title: Cataloging, Digitizing, and Creating Access to 17th-Century British Book Illustrations. Outright: $280,000.

Folger Shakespeare Library (America’s HIstorical and Cultural Organizations Planning), Project Director, Stephen Enniss, Project Title: Shakespeare in His World –and Ours. Outright: $75,000.

Georgetown University (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Susan Terrio, Project Title: Unaccompanied, Undocumented Children in U.S. Custody. Outright: $6,000.

Maryland: (9) $780,293

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Peter Achinstein, Project Title: Evidence and Method in Science, Outright: $6,000.

Baltimore: Walters Art Museum (Humanities Collections and Reference Resources), Project Director: William Noel, Project Title: Imagining the Hours: Creating a Digital Resource of Flemish Manuscripts. Outright: $265,000.

Baltimore: RIPM Consortium Ltd. (Humanities Collections and Reference Resources), Project Director: H. Robert Cohen, Project Director: Compilation of the Répertoire International de la Presse Musicale, 1900 to 1950 (RIPM), Outright: $265,000.

Baltimore: Unaffiliated Independent Scholar (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Marlene Trestman, Project Title: Fair Labor: The Life and Work of Bessie Margolin (1909-1996), Outright: $6,000.

Bethesda: Palestinian American Research Center (Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions), Project Director: Penelope Mitchell, Project Title: PARC Humanities Research Fellowship Program, Outright: $115,650.

College Park: University of Maryland (Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants), Project Director: Jennifer Guiliano, Project Title: Topic Modeling for Humanities Research.  Outright: $24,808.

University of Maryland, College Park  (Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants), Project Director: James Dickie, Project Title: ANGLES: A Web-based XML Editor, Outright: $49,929.

University of Maryland, College Park (Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants), Project Director: Travis Brown, Project Title: Active OCR: Tightening the Loop in Human Computer for OCR Correction, Outright: $41, 906.

University of Maryland, College Park (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Daryle Williams, Project Title:  A Spatial History of the Free Africans of the Slave Ship Cezar, 1838-1865, Outright: $6,000.

New Jersey: (3) $510,554

Pomona, Richard Stockton College (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Michelle McDonald, Project Title: The Free Produce Movement in Early America, Outright: $6,000.

Princeton, Princeton University (Humanities Collections and Reference Resources), Project Director: Clifford Wulfman, Project Title: The Blue Mountain Project: Digitizing Periodicals of the Avant-Garde, Outright: $227,054.

Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions), Project Director: Irene Romano,  Project Title: The NEH Fellowship Program at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Outright: $277,500.

New York: (28) $2,608,301

Albany: SUNY Research Foundation, Fredonia (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Emily VanDette Project Title: The Sibling Romance: Crisis and Affiliation in American Fiction, 1835-1900, Outright: $6,000.

Amherst: SUNY Research Foundation, Buffalo (Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants), Project Director: Neil Coffee, Project Title: Tesserae: A Search Engine for Allusion, Outright: $49,835

Annandale-on-Hudson: Bard College (Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants), Project Director: Aaron Glass, Project Title: The Distributed Text: An Annotated Digital Edition of Franz Boas’ Pioneering Ethnography,  Outright: $50,000.

Bard College (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Laurie Dahlberg, Project Title: Photography and the Transformation of a Gentleman’s Art, 1839-1900, Outright: $6,000.

Bronx: CUNY Research Foundation, Lehman College (Summer Stipends),  Project Director, Amanda Wunder, Project Title: The Spanish Style: The Politics of Extreme Fashion in an Age of Empire, 1492-1700. Outright: $6,000.

Brookville: Long Island University (Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants), Project Director: Deborah Mutnick, Project Title: The Pathways to Freedom Digital Narrative Project, Outright: $25,000.

Buffalo: Western New York Public Broadcasting Association (America’s Media Makers Production), Project Director: John Grant,  Project Title: Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing America, Outright: $500,000

Hamilton: Colgate University (Summer Stipends), Project Director: Ulrich Meyer,  Project Title: Metaphysics in Motion: An Essay on Mechanics, Outright: $6,000.

Houghton: Houghton College [Summer Stipends], Project Director: Peter Meilaender,  Project Title: Patriotism in the Thought of Swiss Novelist Jeremias Gotthelf (1797-1854), Outright: $6,000.

Houghton College [Summer Stipends], Project Director: Benjamin Lipscomb, Project Title: The Oxford School: A Philosophical Group Biography of Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley, and Iris Murdoch, Outright: $6,000.

Loudonville: Siena College [Summer Stipends], Project Director: Scott Taylor, Project Title: Stimulants and Trade in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800, Outright: $6,000.

New York: New York University  [Enduring Questions: Pilot Course Grants] Project Director: Martha Rust, Project Title: NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What is Memory?” Outright: $25,000.

New York City Municipal Archives  [Humanities Collections and Reference Resources] Project Director: Leonora Gidlund Project Title: New York District Attorney Case Files, 1916-1925, Preservation and Indexing Project, Outright: $81,000.

API Arts and Outreach, Inc. [America’s Media Makers Production] Project Director: Daniel Anker Project Title: The Greatest Jubilee: American Music and the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, Outright: $550,000 .

New School [Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants] Project Director: Peter Asaro Project Title: Digital Video Navigation and Archival Content Management Tools for Non-linear Oral History Narratives, Outright: $49,986.

New York Public Library [Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants] Project Director: Matthew Knutzen Project Title: NYC Chronology of Place, a Linked Open Data Gazetteer, Outright: $50,000.

Literary Classics of the United States, Inc. [America’s Historical & Cultural Organizations Implementation] Project Director: Max Rudin Project Title: Civil War 150: Exploring the War and its Meaning Through the Words of Those Who Lived It, Outright: $500,000.

New York Public Library [Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions] Project Director: Khalil Muhammad Project Title: Scholars-in-Residence Program, Outright: $251,400 .

CUNY Research Foundation, Bernard Baruch College [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Alison Griffiths Project Title: Cinema, Prisons, and the Making of Modern America, Outright: $6,000.

CUNY Research Foundation, Hunter College [Summer Stipends] Project Director: John Wallach Project Title: Democracy and Virtue: Sisyphean Projects in History and Political Theory, Outright: $6,000.

CUNY Research Foundation, John Jay College [Enduring Questions: Pilot Course Grants] Project Director: Jonathan Jacobs Project Title: NEH Enduring Questions Course on “Is Virtue Its Own Reward?” Outright: $24,991.

Poughkeepsie: Unaffiliated Independent Scholar [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Sophie Marinez Project Title: Women, Castles, and Power in Early Modern France: The Case of the Duchess of Montpensier (1627-1693), Outright: $6,000.

Rochester: Rochester Institute of Technology [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Christine Keiner Project Title: Environmental Diplomacy, Atomic Earthmoving, and Interoceanic Ecology in the Re-Making of the Panama Canal, Outright: $6,000.

Nazareth College of Rochester [Enduring Questions: Pilot Course Grants] Project Director: Scott Campbell Project Title: NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is the Value of a Liberal Arts Education?”  Outright: $24,380.

Staten Island: CUNY Research Foundation, College of Staten Island [Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants] Project Director: Christina Tortora Project Title: A prototype of a syntactically annotated corpus of Appalachian English, Outright: $44,169.

Stony Brook: Long Island Museum of American Art, History, and Carriages [America’s Historical & Cultural Organizations Implementation] Project Director: William Ayres Project Title: Installation and Interpretation of the Carriage Museum’s Streets of New York and Carriages for Sport and Pleasure, Outright: $286,014.

Syracuse: Syracuse University [Enduring Questions: Pilot Course Grants] Project Director: William Robert Project Title: NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Belief?” Outright: $24,526.

Troy: Russell Sage College [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Patricia Acerbi Project Title: Citizenship and Street Vendors’ Associations in Post-Abolition Rio de Janeiro, 1889-1930, Outright: $6,000 .

Pennsylvania: (12) $877, 387

Bethlehem: Lehigh University [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Jenna Lay Project Title: Catholic Englishwomen and Early Modern Book Culture, Outright: $6,000.

Carlisle: Dickinson College [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Alyssa DeBlasio Project Title: Russian Philosophical Thought in the 21st Century, Outright: $6,000.

Gettysburg: Gettysburg College [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Timothy Shannon Project Title: Indian Captive, Indian King: Peter Williamson in America and Britain, Outright: $6,000.

Lancaster: Franklin and Marshall College [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Amelia Rauser Project Title: Living Statues: Neoclassical Culture and Fashionable Dress in London, Paris, and Naples in the 1790s, Outright: $6,000.

Philadelphia: Temple University [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Steve Newman Project Title: Accounting for Scots Songs in Robert Burns: Narratives of Value from the Scottish Enlightenment to the 21st-century Academy, Outright: $6,000.

Temple University [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Lila Berman Project Title: An Urban History of Jews in Detroit after World War II, Outright: $6,000.

National Constitution Center [America’s Historical & Cultural Organizations Implementation] Project Director: Stephanie Reyer Project Title: Prohibition, Outright: $400,000.

American Research Institute in Turkey [Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions] Project Director: A. Kevin Reinhart Project Title: Advanced Fellowships for Research in the Humanities at ARIT Centers in Turkey, Outright: $175,500.

University of Pennsylvania [Humanities Collections and Reference Resources] Project Director: Grant Frame Project Title: Preserving and Providing Access to the Official Inscriptions of the Kings of Assyria, 744 to 669 B.C., Outright: $160,000.

Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Film-makers, Inc. [America’s Media Makers Development] Project Director: JulieHera DeStefano Project Title: Journey to Normal: Women of War Come Home, Outright: $75,000.

Unaffiliated Independent Scholar [Summer Stipends] Project Director: Atria Larson Project Title: Medieval Theologian Master Gratian and the Development of Penitential Thought and Law, c.1120-1215, Outright: $6,000.

St. Davids: Eastern University [Enduring Questions: Pilot Course Grants] Project Director: Steven Mc Guire Project Title: NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is a Person?” Outright: $24,887.

Grants were awarded in the following categories:

 America’s Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning and Implementation Grants support projects that create new ways to excite, inform, and stir thoughtful reflection upon culture, identity, and history in creative and new ways.

America’s Media Makers: Development Grants enable media producers to collaborate with scholars to develop humanities content and to prepare programs for production.

America’s Media Makers: Production Grants support the preparation of a media program for distribution.

Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants encourage innovations in the digital humanities by supporting the planning stages of projects.

Enduring Questions Grants allow faculty members to develop a new undergraduate course that grapples with a fundamental question addressed by the humanities.

Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions provide scholars with research time and success to resources that might not be available at their home institutions.

Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Grants allow institutions to preserve and provide access to collections essential to scholarship, education, and public programming in the humanities.

NEH On the Road Grants help small sites defray the cost of hosting an NEH traveling exhibition.

Summer Stipends support full-time work by a scholar on a humanities project for a period of two months.