NEH announces $34M in awards

The National Endowment for the Humanities has released the list of its latest grantees, awarding $8.7M to 45 humanities projects in the mid-Atlantic Region.


The National Endowment for the Humanities has released the list of its latest grantees, awarding $34M to 177 humanities projects in 43 states and the District of Columbia.  Forty-five projects from the mid-Atlantic will receive just over $8.7M to fund humanities projects throughout the region.

(The NEH also announced the recipients of the 2013 NEH Humanities Medals.  Read that story here:

American Historical Association Outright: $136,808
[Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects] Project Director: Dana Schaffer
Project Title: The Future of the African American Past: NMAAHC Inaugural Conference
Project Description: A scholarly symposium, a website, and a publication of an edited volume of essays on the state of African American history.

Folger Shakespeare Library Outright: $175,649
[Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities] Project Director: Owen Williams
Project Title: Folger Shakespeare Library’s “Early Modern Digital Agendas: Advanced
Topics” Institute
Project Description: A 13-day summer institute, hosted by the Folger Shakespeare Library, for fifteen technically-advanced scholars of early modern English studies to explore advanced analytical techniques for engaging with digitized humanities collections.

Ford’s Theatre Society Outright: $172,039
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Sarah Jencks
Project Title: The Seat of War and Peace: The Lincoln Assassination and Reconstruction in the Nation’s Capital
Project Description: Two one-week workshops for seventy-two teachers to explore events surrounding the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the political aftermath of the national tragedy, and the enduring legacy of our sixteenth president.

Luther W. Brady Art Gallery Outright: $189,088
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: Irene Oh Koukios
Project Title: American Muslims: History and Culture
Project Description: A three-week summer institute for twenty-five college and university faculty on the history and cultural expression of American Muslims.

GWETA, Inc. Outright: $60,000
[Media Projects Development] Project Director: Susan Mills
Project Title: Rosalynn Carter: Political Partner
Project Description: Development of a one-hour television documentary on the life and impact of former first lady Rosalynn Carter as part of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions’ “Modern First Ladies” series.NEH Grant Offers and Awards, July 2014

GWETA, Inc. Outright: $75,000
[Media Projects Development] Project Director: Jeff Bieber
Project Title: The Asian Americans
Project Description: Development of a four-hour documentary film series about Asian
Americans in the United States from the mid-19th century to the present.

MARYLAND (3) $851,000


Johns Hopkins University Outright: $300,000
[Collaborative Research] Project Director: Marina Rustow
Project Title: The Cairo Geniza as a Source for the History of Institutions and Documentary Practices in the Medieval Middle East
Project Description: Analysis and translation into English of one to two hundred medieval Jewish and Islamic legal and administrative documents from the Cairo Geniza, in preparation for open-access digital publication; also preparation for print publication of a multi-author handbook on these documents and the institutions that created them. (36months)

College Park

University of Maryland, College Park Outright: $290,000
[National Digital Newspaper Program] Project Director: Jennie Knies
Project Title: Maryland Digital Newspaper Project, Phase Two
Project Description: Digitization of 100,000 pages of Maryland newspapers, dating from 1836 to 1922, as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP).

University of Maryland, College Park Outright: $261,000
[Scholarly Editions and Translations] Project Director: Leslie Rowland
Project Title: Freedmen and Southern Society Project
Project Description: Preparation for publication of Volume 7, Law and Justice, and editorial work on Volume 8, on family and kinship, for the anticipated nine-volume series, Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867. (24 months)

NEW JERSEY (5) $763,448


Ramapo College of New Jersey Outright: $179,734
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Meredith Davis
Project Title: The Hudson River in the 19th Century and the Modernization of America
Project Description: Two one-week workshops for seventy-two school teachers that use the Hudson River for a study of modernization in nineteenth-century America.


Community College Humanities Association Outright: $135,671
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: Sandra Petrulionis
Project Title: Transcendentalism and Reform in the Age of Emerson, Thoreau, and Fuller
Project Description: A two-week college and university institute for twenty-five participants on Transcendentalism and social reform.

Community College Humanities Association Outright: $148,970
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: George Scheper
Project Title: On Native Grounds: Studies of Native American Histories and the Land
Project Description: A three-week college and university summer institute for twenty participants on Native American history.

Community College Humanities Association Outright: $173,332
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: P. Warden
Project Title: The Legacy of Ancient Italy: The Etruscans and Early Rome
Project Description: A three-week institute for twenty-four college and university faculty on recent discoveries and new understandings of ancient Etruscan culture.

Community College Humanities Association Outright: $125,741
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: Paul Benson
Project Title: Slavery in the American Republic: From Constitution to Civil War
Project Description: A two-week college and university summer institute for twenty-five participants on the issue of slavery in the early American Republic.

NEW YORK (24) $5,252,795


SUNY Research Foundation, Brockport Outright: $157,496
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Jose Torre
Project Title: The Rochester Reform Trail: Women’s Rights, Religion, and Abolition on the Genesee River and the Erie Canal
Project Description: Two one-week workshops for seventy-two school teachers on the iconic nineteenth-century reform landscape of Rochester, New York.


New York Botanical Garden Outright: $460,000
[Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations Implementation] Project Director: Susan Fraser
Project Title: Frida Kahlo’s Garden: A Humanities Exhibition on Kahlo’s Connection to Plants and Nature
Project Description: Implementation of a traveling exhibition, public programs, tours, and a scholarly symposium that explore the intersections of nature, history, and identity in the life and work of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.


Sarah Lawrence College Outright: $104,981
[Seminars for College Teachers] Project Director: Komozi Woodard
Project Title: Rethinking Black Freedom Studies in the Jim Crow North
Project Description: A two-week college and university faculty summer seminar for sixteen participants on African-American freedom movements beyond the U.S. South.


CUNY Research Foundation, NYC College of Technology Outright: $163,893
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: Mark Noonan
Project Title: City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press
Project Description: A two-week summer institute for twenty-five college and university teachers on the evolution of New York’s periodical press.


SUNY Research Foundation, University at Buffalo Outright: $179,000
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Jill Gradwell
Project Title: Buffalo’s Pan-American Exposition and Ideas of Progress
Project Description: For seventy-two teachers, two one-week workshops using the Pan-American Exposition of 1901, held in Buffalo, New York, to explore Gilded Age themes and events.


SUNY Research Foundation, College at Cortland Outright: $178,809
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Kevin Sheets
Project Title: Forever Wild: The Adirondacks in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Project Description: Two one-week workshops for seventy-two school teachers using the  Adirondacks to understand the meaning and influence of wilderness environments in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century America.


Colgate University Outright: $119,988
[Seminars for School Teachers] Project Director: Graham Hodges
Project Title: Abolitionism and the Underground Railroad
Project Description: A three-week seminar for sixteen school teachers to study the history of the Underground Railroad and abolitionism.


Hofstra University Outright: $293,139
[Scholarly Editions and Translations] Project Director: John Bryant
Project Title: The Melville Electronic Library (MEL): A Digital Critical Archive
Project Description: Continued development of the Melville Electronic Library (MEL), a born digital, open source critical archive, including editing of text and images, annotation of Melville’s Civil War poetry, and completion for publication on the website of three major Melville works. (36 months)


Museum of the Earth and Paleontological Research Institution Outright: $60,000
[Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations Planning] Project Director: Elizabeth Stricker
Project Title: Lives Unearthed: A History of Women in American Paleontology
Project Description: Planning of a traveling exhibition on the history of under-appreciated contributions of women to the field of paleontology in the United States.

New York

New York University Outright: $100,000
[Collaborative Research] Project Director: Faye Ginsburg
Project Title: Cognitive Disability in 21st-Century America
Project Description: Completion of a manuscript and related web site evaluating the impact of the increasing integration into American culture of people with cognitive disabilities on notions of personhood. (24 months)

New School Outright: $321,872
[Digital Humanities Implementation Grants] Project Director: Anne Balsamo
Project Title: AIDS Quilt Touch: Empowering Communities to Share and Preserve Cultural Heritage through Digital Storytelling
Project Description: The development of a media platform that will allow for visualization tools for exploring large collections of humanities images, means for collecting tags and metadata about the images, increased search capabilities, and the documentation of strategies for community participation, using the AIDS Memorial Quilt Digital Archive and the Quilt Index at Michigan State University as the test cases.

Theatre for a New Audience Outright: $136,071
[Institutes for School Teachers] Project Director: Katie Miller
Project Title: Scholarship and Performance: A Combined Approach to Teaching Shakespeare’s Plays
Project Description: A two-week summer institute for twenty-five school teachers focusing on the theme “Politics and Persuasion” in William Shakespeare’s plays As You Like It, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth.

City Lore: NY Center for Urban Folk Culture Outright: $600,000
[Media Projects Production] Project Director: Lisa Ades
Project Title: Fighting on Two Fronts: Jewish American Soldiers in World War II
Project Description: Production of a documentary film about the experiences of Jewish American soldiers who served during World War II.

Bard Graduate Center Outright: $192,303
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: David Jaffee
Project Title: American Material Culture: Nineteenth-Century New York
Project Description: A four-week institute for eighteen college and university teachers to study nineteenth-century American material culture in New York City.

Bard Graduate Center Outright: $307,000
[Scholarly Editions and Translations] Project Director: Aaron Glass
Project Title: Edition of The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians (1897), by Franz Boas with George Hunt
Project Description: Preparation for publication of an annotated critical edition of The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians (1897) by anthropologist Franz Boas, one of the first anthropological works based on ethnographic fieldwork. (36 months)

New-York Historical Society Outright: $75,000
[Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations Planning] Project Director: Louise Mirrer
Project Title: The Vietnam War
Project Description: Planning of a traveling exhibition, an exhibition publication, and related curriculum materials about the Vietnam War, considering both the home front and the war front.

Firelight Media, Inc. Outright: $600,000
[Media Projects Production] Project Director: Stanley Nelson
Project Title: Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Project Description: Production of a two-hour film exploring the history and legacy of historically black colleges and universities.

Columbia University Outright: $299,590
[Collaborative Research] Project Director: Amy Fairchild
Project Title: Outbreak Anxieties: The Contingent Politics of Panic and Crisis in America
Project Description: The writing of a book and several articles analyzing the history of American responses to perceived panics and crises relating to public health. (36 months)

Columbia University Outright: $286,712
[Collaborative Research] Project Director: Kavita Sivaramakrishnan
Project Title: Relocating Heart Disease in the Tropics: Race, Risk, and Modernization in Post-Independence India
Project Description: Research culminating in the writing of a book and several articles examining the history of medical responses to heart disease in India. (36 months)

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Outright: $150,762
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Kenneth Jackson
Project Title: Immigrant Metropolis: New York City from 1880 to 1929
Project Description: Two one-week workshops for seventy-two school teachers using New York City landmarks to illuminate major themes in local and national history from 1880 to 1929.

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Outright: $15,375
[Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects] Project Director: Susan Saidenberg
Project Title: Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle Supplement

New York Public Library Outright: $177,047
[Institutes for School Teachers] Project Director: Deirdre Hollman
Project Title: Immigration, Migration, and the Transformation of the African-American Community in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Project Description: A three-week institute for thirty school teachers on black migration and immigration in twentieth- and twenty-first-century North America.

Research Foundation of CUNY on behalf of Hunter College CUNY Outright: $104,525
[Seminars for School Teachers] Project Director: Jennifer Hayashida
Project Title: Asian Americans in New York City: Literature and Film
Project Description: A two-week seminar for sixteen school teachers to study Asian-American cultures in New York City through film and literature.


Fort Ticonderoga Outright: $169,232
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Richard Strum
Project Title: The American Revolution on the Northern Frontier: Fort Ticonderoga and the Road to Saratoga
Project Description: Two one-week workshops for seventy-two school teachers on the role of Fort Ticonderoga and the northern frontier in the early years of the American Revolution.

PENNSYLVANIA (7) $1,064,412


Mercer Museum Outright: $1,000
[NEH on the Road] Project Director: Cory Amsler
Project Title: NEH on the Road: For All the World to See


Franklin Institute Science Museum Outright: $17,968
[Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections] Project Director: Karen Elinich
Project Title: Planning for a Curatorial Center at The Franklin Institute
Project Description: A planning project for a new curatorial center that will house collections of material culture and archives related to the history of science, technology, photography, design and the arts. The Franklin Institute seeks to combine nine separate collections storage areas scattered around the museum and two rented storage facilities into approximately one offsite and two onsite spaces. The Franklin Institute would review and update its design plan based on the most current research in preventive conservation, with a focus on passive measures.

Drexel University Outright: $192,914
[Institutes for College and University Teachers] Project Director: David Raizman
Project Title: Teaching the History of Modern Design: The Canon and Beyond
Project Description: A four-week summer institute for twenty-five college and university faculty on teaching the history of modern design.

Historical Society of Pennsylvania Outright: $148,246
[Landmarks of American History] Project Director: Beth Twiss-Houting
Project Title: Cultures of Independence: Perspectives on Independence Hall and the Meaning of Freedom
Project Description: Two one-week workshops for seventy-two teachers on Independence Hall in Philadelphia as a civic gathering place and repository of collective memory.


Carnegie Institute Outright: $341,848
[Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections] Project Director: Gretchen Anderson
Project Title: Carnegie Museum of Natural History Sustainable Anthropology Collection Storage Improvement
Project Description: The improvement of storage environments for over 2 million ethnographic and archaeological objects produced by native peoples of the Americas, as well as similar materials from other parts of the world. The project would support the consolidation of storage spaces and the installation of compact shelving at the museum, based on environmental and facilities data collected during a year-long planning effort that identified ways to reduce energy consumption and improve collections storage.

University of Pittsburgh Outright: $199,258
[Institutes for School Teachers] Project Director: Deane Root
Project Title: Voices Across Time: Teaching American History Through Song
Project Description: A five-week institute for twenty-five school teachers linking American popular songs to significant periods and events in American history.

University Park

Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus Outright: $163,178
[Scholarly Editions and Translations] Project Director: Michael Kulikowski
Project Title: Landmark Ammianus Marcellinus
Project Description: Work on a critical edition and English translation of the 4th-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus and a companion website that will be freely accessible. (36 months)

For the full list of awardees, please visit: