NCPH Holding Virtual Poster Session This Week

In light of the coronavirus outbreak, The National Council on Public History has cancelled its annual conference set to be held in Atlanta, Georgia this week. The organization has taken steps to hold as much of the program as possible virtually. One virtual component of the conference kicked off today: an online poster session.

Throughout the week, NCPH will be sharing poster presentations on its Instagram page and story. One of the poster presentations posted today details a project designed by graduate students at American University in order to promote use of the university’s archives. Students created a physical exhibit in the quad and assembled a document box of facsimile documents to share the experience of archival discovery with visitors. By focusing the project on women whose names are well-known to the American University community, the students made an exhibit that is relevant to the university today.

NCPH has also shared posters detailing an oral history project with Colombian immigrants in South Carolina, as well as another on an exhibit at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History on Camilla Williams, the first Black woman to received a contract from a major US opera company.

NCPH’s virtual poster session will allow these creative projects to be shared with public historians throughout the country. Be sure to check its Instagram page throughout the week to explore more poster presentations.