National Trust for Historic Preservation PastForward Conference

The National Trust for Historic Preservation will hold its PastForward conference in Washington, DC. from November 8 – 10, 2023. Celebrate the power of place with fellow preservationists at the nation’s premier conference for those who work to save, sustain, and interpret historic places.

This year’s conference theme is “Preserving Place, Empowering Community.” According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the preservation movement and the PastForward conference are rooted in historic places. People save historic places to tell the full stories of their communities and the nation. At PastForward 2023, attendees will be empowered with effective tools and inspiring perspectives, engage with vibrant historic places, share success and challenges, and generate ideas and solutions for the preservation movement and communities.

For more information on the conference and to register, click here.