National History Day Philly now led by Historical Society of Pennsylvania

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP) is now leading National History Day Philly (NHD).

NHD Philly is a year-long opportunity where middle and high school students present their historical research projects through papers, posters, exhibits, etc. The goal of NHD is to encourage students to study history while developing critical thinking, research, reading, and oral and written skills. Students also gain confidence and responsibility for their involvement with a local, state, and national community. NHD Philly has centered accessibility and inclusivity with its operations, operating without a registration fee, providing materials to classrooms and transportation, and covering registration, transportation, and lodging costs for students who advance to the state and national competitions.

For the past ten years, NHD Philly coordinated with the Philadelphia branch of the National Archives. In July 2022, HSP took over the coordination. The transition was made possible with support from the Connelly Foundation.

For more information on this partnership, click here. For additional information on NHD Philly, click here.