National Civic Art Society Internship

The National Civic Art Society? is seeking a college intern for the summer to help them protect and advance a beautiful and meaningful American civic realm.

The National Civic Art Society is seeking a college intern for the summer to help them protect and advance a beautiful and meaningful American civic realm. 

The intern will work in the areas of public art and architecture (monuments, memorials, federal courthouses, the National Mall, etc.), urbanism, fundraising/development, and public policy.

Working directly for the Society’s president, the intern will assist in some or all of the following: research (art, architecture, history, government, and fundraising); writing; administrative tasks; event organizing; and social media (Facebook, Twitter).

Knowledge of art and architecture, HTML, Wordpress, PatronManager, and MailChimp are pluses.

Hours per week and length of internship are flexible.

Depending on your school, academic credit may be available.

Location: 300 New Jersey Ave. NW, Ste. 900, Washington, DC 20001
Start Date: June 1
Compensation: Unpaid

To apply for this internship, send a cover letter and resume to

From: H-DC