Morristown National Historical Park's 2015 "TRT"

Morristown National Historical Park in New Jersey is pleased to welcome its 2015 "Teacher-Ranger-Teacher."

Morristown National Historical Park is pleased to announce its 2015 “Teacher-Ranger-Teacher” (TRT), Mr. Christopher Bickel, Livingston, New Jersey’s Public Schools Social Studies Supervisor.

The TRT program is a National Park Service professional development project, coordinated through the University of Colorado, Denver (UCD). Each year, eligible parks apply to participate in this national initiative. TRT strives to acquaint educators with the primary resources and educational materials available through the National Park Service (NPS). Teachers participating in TRT will engage in parks and park resources, participate in a webinar about lesson planning, develop at least one lesson to be used in their classroom or school, assist the park with an education project, and increase their understanding of place-based learning and the resources and themes interpreted in the NPS.

Morristown National Historical Park was established on March 2, 1933 as the nation’s first designated “National Historical Park.” The National Park Service at Morristown National Historical Park preserves, protects and maintains the landscapes, structures, features, archaeological resources and collections of the Continental Army winter encampments, the headquarters of General George Washington, and related Revolutionary War sites at Morristown for the benefit and inspiration of the public. The park interprets the history and subsequent commemoration of these encampments and the extraordinary fortitude of the officers and enlisted men under Washington’s leadership.

Morristown National Historical Park (NHP) has had the pleasure of collaborating with Bickel in the past, and staff members are eager to learn a lot from this partnership. Focusing on K-12 education, Bickel’s 2015 TRT project is outward looking. He and Morristown NHP’s cultural resources staff members will help Morristown NHP reach National Park Service 2016 Centennial and community collaboration goals by partnering with the Jacobus Vanderveer House and Museum in Bedminster, New Jersey.

This summer Bickel will lead several teacher prototyping workshops and develop toolkit materials for both Morristown NHP and Jacobus Vanderveer. He also is completing an extensive online course at UCD and samples of his work will be made available via the NPS TRT portal. “The Teacher Ranger Teacher program is a vital component in our efforts to reach future generations of resource stewards and to engage with those teachers who provide such important guidance,” states Morristown NHP Superintendent Thomas Ross. “Chris is working hard to help Livingston teachers Find THEIR park!”

From: H-New Jersey