Modern Language Association Paper Proposals

The proposals are due electronically by September 23.

Paper proposals for Public Humanities in a Digital Age, ACLA 2016 are due by 11:59pm PST on September 23, 2015. The NEH’s recently launched Public Scholar program, a burgeoning number of public humanities initiatives and centers all over the country, and the increasing requirement of grant and job seekers that their work have a public component all indicate a redefinition of the public intellectual.

Many of the products of such initiatives make use of Web 2.0 technology and new, open forms of scholarly communication. This seminar explores the rising call for digital dialogue between scholarly research and pedagogy and the public, broadly defined:

  • What, if any, is the connection between digital public humanities and the much-hyped “crisis” in the humanities writ large?
  • How can humanities scholars employ digital tools to talk with different publics?
  • How can emerging technologies help us better demonstrate the value of our work?
  • How does the digital allow us be to publicly engaged? Should such engagement be a required element of graduate education and/or tenure?
  • Does digital outreach preclude local impact? What tools for collaboration do have at hand, or do we need?
  • How do new forms of technology enhance cross-cultural collaboration?
  •  Does anyone really care what we have to say anyway?

To submit a paper proposal, please visit by 11:59pm PST on September 23, 2015.