Mid-Atlantic NEH Grant Winners

The National Endowment for the Humanities announced today $21 million in grants for 215 humanities projects.

This funding will support a wide variety of projects, including research fellowships and awards for scholars, the preservation of humanities collections at smaller institutions, traveling exhibitions, and humanities initiatives at historically black colleges, institutions with high Hispanic enrollment, and tribal colleges and universities. Grants awarded today will also support training for museum and archive staff to preserve and enhance access to their collections, while NEH Challenge Grants provide support for long-term humanities activities.  NEH announced awards in three special grant programs: Bridging Cultures Through Film, Bridging Cultures at Community Colleges, and Bridging Cultures Implementation Grants for Public Programs.

Mid-Atlantic Regional grant recipients:

Delaware: 2 awards, $595,000

University of Delaware, Preservation Education and Training, Project Director: Debra Norris.  Project title: Graduate Education in the Conservation of Historic and Decorative Arts, Objects, Furniture, Textiles, & Photographs.

Winterthur, Winterthur Museum, Challenge Grant, Project Director: Lois Price.  Project title: Endowing the Director of Conservation Position at Winterthur.

Washington D.C.: 9 awards, $1,242,439

Association of American Colleges and Universities, Bridging Cultures Community College RFP, Project Director: Caryn McTighe Musil.  Project title: Difference, Community, and Democratic Thinking: and NEH Bridging Cultures Prjoect.

American University, Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Richard Sha.  Project title: Imagining the Imagination: Science and British Romanticism, 1750-1832.

George Washington University, Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Gayle Wald. Project title: A History of “Soul”, the First Nationally Televised Program to Showcase the Black Power Movement.

Heritage Preservation, Preservation Education and Training, Project Director: Lori Foley.  Project title: Alliance for Response: A National Program on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Management.

American Historical Association, Bridging Cultures Community College RFP, Project Director: Robert Townsend.  Project title: American History, Atlantic and Pacific, An NEH Bridging Cultures Project.

Office of the Secretary, Office of Public Records, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Clarence Davis.  Project title: Preservation Assessment and Purchase of Monitoring Equipment and Storage Materials to Preserve Archival Collections.

Foundation of American Institute for Conservation, Preservation Education and Training, Project Director: Eric Pourchot.  Project title: Professional Development for Conservators: Providing Preservation and Access for the Humanities.

Unstaffed Independent Scholars, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars: 1. Project Director: Jules Witcover.  Project title: Evolution of the Vice Presidency in Politics and Governance.  2. Project Director: John Perpner. Project title: Political and Social Activism in African American Concert Dance: Eleo Pomare and the Black Arts Movement.

Maryland: 2 awards, $55,885

Bowie State University, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Katherine Hayes.  Project title: Preservation Assessment of University’s Archives and Special Collections.

University of Maryland, College Park, Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Robert Levine.  Project Title: The Lives of Frederick Douglass.

New Jersey: 6 awards, $564,929

Rutgers-Camden Center for the Arts, NEH on the Road, Project Director: Nancy Maguire.  Project title: NEH on the Road: Wild Land.

Drew University, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, Project Director: Edward Baring.  Project title: The Spread of Phenomenology in Europe During the 20th Century.

Community College Humanities Association, Bridging Cultures Community College RFP, Project Director: David Berry.  Project title: Advancing the Humanities at Community Colleges: An NEH: Bridging Cultures Project.

NJ Institute of Technology, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, Project Director: Zeynep Celik.  Project title: The History of 20th Century Controversies Over the Possession of Antiquities.

Princeton University, Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Christian Wildberg.  Project title: A New Text and Translation of the Hermetic Corpus, a Collection of Greek Theological and Philosophical Texts.

Montclair State University, Bridging Cultures Through Film, Project Director: Fawzia Afzal-Khan.  Project title: Female Singers and Muslim Tradition in Pakistan from 1947 to the Present.

New York: 27 awards, $2,777,882

Albany Institute of History and Art, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Tammis Groft.  Project title: Preservation Assessment for Archival Collections.

SUNY Research Foundation, Albany Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Karen Brown. Project title: Digital Preservation Readiness Assessment to Preserve Special Collections and Archives.

Bard College,  Challenge Grant, Project Director: Roger Berkowitz.  Project title: Endow Junior Fellowships, Humanities Lecturer, and Humanities Programs of The Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College.

Western New York Public Broadcasting, Bridging Cultures Through Film, Project Director: David Rotterman.  Project title: The Railway that Built a Nation.

CUNY Research Foundation, Queens College, Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Karen Strassler.  Project title: Media and Political Communication in Post-Suharto Indonesia.

Hastings Center, Challenge Grants, Project Director: Erik Parens.  Project title: The Hastings Center Humanities Research Initiative.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, Project Director: Anthony Cerulli.  Project title: The Study of Gurukula: South Indian Traditional Medical Education and Its Classical Texts.

Columbia University, Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Mary Pollard Murray.  Project Title: The Prison as a Site of Literary Community and Writing in Early Modern England.

Barnard College, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, Project Director: Jonathan Rieder.  Project title: A Reinterpretation of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”.

New York University, Preservation Education and Training, Project Director: Hannelore Roemich. Project Title: Conservation Training for Preservation and Access.

Mount Vernon Hotel Museum and Garden, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Mary Anne Caton. Project Title: Purchase of Environmental Monitoring Equipment to Preserve Collections of the Mount Vernon Hotel Museum.

AFS Intercultural Programs, Inc., Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Carlos Porro.  Project Title: Preservation Assessment and Storage Materials to Preserve Archival Collections.

Century Association Archives Foundation, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Russell Flinchum. Project Title: Staff Training and Environmental Monitoring Equipment to Preserve Archival Collections.

City College of New York, Awards for Faculty, 1. Project Director: Emily Greble. Project Title: Islam and the European Nation-State: Balkan Muslims between Mosque and State, 1908-1949. 2. Project Director: Gregory Downs Project Title: The Ends of the War: American Reconstruction and the Problems of Occupations.

Women Make Movies, Inc., Bridging Cultures Through Film, Project Director: Riva Freifeld. Project Title: Buffalo Bill and the Influence of the American West on European Culture.

Leo Baeck Institute, Inc., Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Renate Evers. Project Title: Purchasing Preservation Materials to Preserve a Rare Book Collection.

New York University, Preservation Education and Training, Project Director: Howard Besser. Project Title: Graduate Education for Moving Image Specialists.

City Lore: NY Center for Urban Folk Culture, Bridging Cultures Implementation Grants, Project Director: Steven Zeitlin. Project Title: Poetic Voices of the Muslim World.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Roberta Elliott. Project Title: Preservation Storage Materials to Rehouse the Photographic Archive.

Teachers College, Columbia University, Challenge Grants, Project Director: Anand Marri. Project Title: History Education for All: A Proposal to Establish a Center for History Education at Teachers College at Columbia University.

Rochester Institute of Technology, Preservation Education and Training, Project Director: James Reilly. Project Title: Sustainable Preservation Practices for Managing Storage Environments.

University of Rochester, Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Janet Berlo. Project Title: Fakes, Replicas, and Other Vexed Identities in Native American Art History.

John Jermain Memorial Library, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Jessica Frankel.  Project Title: Preserving Collections Related to Early Rural Life on Long Island, New York.

Town of Southampton, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Sundy Schermeyer. Project Title: Develop Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan and Staff Training to Preserve Archives

Long Island Museum of American Art, History and Carriages, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: William Ayres.  Project Title: Purchase of Storage Furniture and Preservation Materials to Preserve Historic and Textile Collections.

Woodstock Artists Association, Inc., Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Josephine Bloodgood.  Project Title: Preservation Assessment to Preserve Art Collections.

Pennsylvania: 8 awards, $318,531

B.F. Jones Memorial Library, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Linda Helms. Project Title: Preservation Assessment to Preserve Archival Collection.

Franklin and Marshall College, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, Project Director: Bennett Helm.  Project Title: Defining Moral Communities: Respect, Dignity, and the Reactive Attitudes.

Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, Humanities Initiatives: HBCUs, Project Director: Marilyn Button. Project Title: Lincoln University of Pennsylvania’s Global Heritage and Legacy.

Millersville University, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, Project Director: Tanya Kevorkian. Project Title: The Musical Experience in German Baroque Towns.

Chatham College, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Rachel Rohrbaugh. Project Title: Purchase Storage Furniture to Preserve the University’s Archives Collection.

University of Pittsburgh , Fellowships for University Teachers, Project Director: Ronald Zboray. Project Title: The Bullet in the Book: Uses of Print Media during the Civil War.

Swarthmore College, Preservation Assistance Grants, Project Director: Amy McColl. Project Title: Preservation and Disaster-Preparedness Assessment to Preserve the Library’s Special Collections.

Pennsylvania State University, Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, Project Director: Gonzalo Rubio. Project Title: The Earliest Semitic Literature: Ebla and Early Dynastic Mesopotamia.

For project descriptions and for winners outside our region, please visit the NEH website.

(From neh.gov)