Mid-Atlantic Humanities Academics and Professionals Win Guggenheim Fellowships

More than 40 of 173 scholars and artists who received Guggenheim Fellowships for 2017 are living and working in the Mid-Atlantic--including three Rutgers professors.

On April 6, 2017, the Board of Trustees of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation approved the awarding of 173 Guggenheim Fellowships to a diverse group of scholars, artists, and scientists. Appointed on the basis of prior achievement and exceptional promise, the successful candidates were chosen from a group of almost 3,000 applicants in the Foundation’s ninety-third competition. The full press release is available here.

MARCH would like to congratulate all the 2017 Fellows and recognize the following humanities and creative arts professors and professionals who, according to information available on the recipients page of the Guggenheim website, are living and working in the Mid-Atlantic region:

Robert Aronowitz, University of Pennsylvania

Edward E. Baptist, Cornell University

Signe Baumane, Brooklyn, NY

Marina Berio, New York City

Mahir Cetiz, Columbia University

Rita Copeland, University of Pennsylvania

Michael David-Fox, Georgetown University

Lesley Dill, Brooklyn, NY

Keely Garfield, New York

Masha Gessen, New York

Annie Gosfield, New York

Jennifer Grotz, Rochester

Alec Hall, New York City

Matthea Harvey, Sarah Lawrence College

Jochen Hellbeck, Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Elana Herzog, New York City

Samantha Hunt, Tivoli, NY

Ishion Hutchinson, Cornell University

Kirsten Johnson, New York University

Byron Kim, Brooklyn, NY

Aaron Landsman, Princeton University (visiting associate professor)

Jennie Jieun Lee, Brooklyn, NY

Jen Liu, New York

Fiona Maazel, Brooklyn, NY

Sharon Marcus, Columbia University

Rogelio Martinez, New York

Shari Mendelson, Brooklyn, NY

Gregory Pardlo, Rutgers University-Camden

Hunter Reynolds, New York

Daniel K. Richter, McNeil Center for Early American Studies

A.V. Rockwell, New York City

Patrick Rosal, Rutgers University-Camden

Paul Rucker, Baltimore, MD

Cynthia Saltzman, New York

Zina Saro-Wiwa, Artist-in-Residence, Pratt Institute

Brian Seibert, Brooklyn, NY

Jeanne Silverthorne, New York

Michael Strevens, New York University

Sarah Wagner, George Washington University

Leslie Wayne, New York City

Afaa Michael Weaver, Drew University

Marianne Weems, Carnegie Mellon University and New York

Stacy Wolf, Princeton University

Andrew Zimmerman, George Washington University and School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study (2017-18)