Memorials for the Future Competition in DC

NPS, NCPC and Van Alen Institute are collaborating on Memorials for the Future--an ideas competition to reimagine how we think about, feel, and experience memorials.

The National Park Service (NPS), the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), and Van Alen Institute are collaborating on Memorials for the Future, an ideas competition to reimagine how we think about, feel, and experience memorials.

Memorials for the Future is calling for designers, artists, and social scientists to develop new ways to commemorate people and events that are more inclusive and flexible and that enrich Washington’s landscape while responding to the limitations of traditional commemoration. As NPS celebrates its centennial in 2016, Memorials for the Future creates new ideas for honoring our diverse histories, heritage, and culture.

The entries will be narrowed to three teams to participate in a research and design process, working closely with the competition partners to develop site-specific designs for memorials in Washington, DC, that are adaptive, ephemeral, virtual, event-focused, or interactive. The teams’ proposals will advance a framework for the design of twenty-first-century memorials and provide future memorial sponsors with fresh approaches to commemorating their subject matter.


  •  April 18, 2016 – Pre-registration Deadline (Encouraged but not required)
  •  May 4, 2016 – Submission Deadline
  •  Early June 2016 – Top Three Finalist Teams Notified
  •  June 8, 2016 – Competition Launch Event
  •  Mid-July 2016 – Design Framework Working Session (Exact dates TBD)
  •  Early August 2016 – Final Presentation
  •  August 8, 2016 – Final Deliverables Due
  •  September 8, 2016 – Announcement of Competition Winner & Exhibition Launch


For more information on the competition, click here.

To read an article from the Washington Business Journal, click here.

From: H-DC