Medical History Society of NJ Symposium in New Brunswick

The Lunar Society of the Medical History Society of New Jersey presents "The Eugenics Movement in New Jersey: A Cautionary Tale" on February 2, 1016.

The Lunar Society of the Medical History Society of New Jersey presents “The Eugenics Movement in New Jersey: A Cautionary Tale” at The Rutgers Club, located at 199 College Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The event will take place on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Early in the 20th century the eugenics movement sought to terminate the nation’s most vulnerable citizens by selective breeding in the name of human improvement. Eugenics had a wide following, nowhere more so than in New Jersey, and in this symposium the state’s central role in promoting Social Darwinism will be explored. Among unintended consequences of the eugenics movement were coerced sterilization of more than 65,000 Americans, racist immigration restrictions, and genocide in Europe.

Program and speakers:

1.  Henry Goddard, the Vineland Training School and the Feebleminded “Kallikaks”: Sandra Moss, MD, MA. Past-president of MHSNJ and the American Osler Society

2.  New Jersey’s Sterilization Law of 1911: Michael Nevins, MD Past-president of MHSNJ

3. The Passing of the Great Race: Robert Vietrogoski, Head of Special Collections, George F. Smith Library

4. William Carlos Williams’ poem “To Elsie”: Bill Zavatsky, Award-winning poet

5. Mad Marian: Frank F. Katz, Professor Emeritus, Dept. Biology, Seton Hall University

Luncheon buffet will follow the program. A $25 fee, which will cover buffet lunch, should be paid at the event. Some free parking available at Rutgers Club.

NB: Attendance is limited — sign up now!

Pre-registration is requested by e-mail to  or by calling Dr. Nevins at 201-320-2715.