Maryland Humanities Council Receives Helen and Martin Schwartz Prize

The Maryland Humanities Council has received the Helen and Martin Schwartz Prize for “Standout in Risk-Taking and Most Demonstrable Community-Changing Outcomes,” from the Federation of State Humanities Council for its “Practicing Democracy” program.

In its first year, “Practicing Democracy” brought Marylanders together for a series of forums, workshops, and interactive events which provided the opportunity for people of different opinions and points of view to come together for passionate, respectful, and effective civic conversation.  Programs addressed natural gas extraction, transportation, cultural diversity, and land use and development.  The program was supported by the Boeing Charitable Trust.  The full press release is available on the MHC website.

The Helen and Martin Schwartz Prize is awarded annually to up to three programs for outstanding work in public humanities.  It is awarded to councils for innovative programs that have a significant impact on citizens, organizations, or communities in their states.
