Dr. Mary Rizzo will join MARCH,become co-editor of The Public Historian

Together with the National Council on Public History (NCPH) and the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), we are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Mary Rizzo to the position of Public Historian in Residence at MARCH and co-editor of The Public Historian, the flagship journal in the field of public history published by the University of California Press.  She will begin the position on September 1, 2013.

Mary Rizzo, currently associate director and acting executive director of the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, is a longtime active member of NCPH and is nationally known for her work and advocacy for public and digital humanities.  Prior to joining the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, she held public history and educator positions in New Jersey at Tuckerton Seaport, Rockingham State Historic Site, and the Office of Legislative Services in Trenton. At NJCH, she has led a number of public history projects, including a series of public forums called “Environment, Equity & American History,” which examined contemporary environmental problems in New Jersey through a historical lens, and the creation of an innovative role-playing curriculum called “Reacting to the Past” about the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike for New Jersey public school teachers as part of the commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the signing of New Jersey’s charter in 2014.

Mary has a PhD in American Studies from the University of Minnesota and earned her BA in history, summa cum laude, at The College of New Jersey. Her book manuscript, Class Acts: Young Men and the Rise of Lifestyle, 1945-2000, is under review. Public history has been her intellectual home since attending her first NCPH conference. She has been a staff blogger for Off the Wall, NCPH’s first blog, and is a contributor to History@Work, NCPH’s Public History Commons. In her new position, she will be working closely with the journal and the Commons to create new publishing opportunities that make full use of the possibilities afforded by the digital. She also tweets as rizzo_pubhist.

This position represents the new role for Rutgers-Camden as a supporting institution for The Public Historian. Published by the University of California Santa Barbara and the National Council on Public History, which is headquartered at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), the journal is led by an editor and managing editor based at UCSB and has international consulting editors at the University of Amsterdam.


The National Council on Public History is a nonprofit membership association that inspires public engagement with the past and serves the needs of practitioners in putting history to work in the world . NCPH builds community among historians, expand s professional skills and tools, foster s critical reflection on historical practice, and publicly advocates for history and historians. M embers of the organization include historical consultants, museum professionals, government historians, professors & students, archivists, teachers, cultural resource managers, curators, film & media producers, historical interpreters, policy advisers, and many others. Members confer at the annual meeting each spring and share their expertise in a scholarly journal (The Public Historian ) in a quarterly newsletter, and in multiple online formats , such as the NCPH blog, History@Work . Learn more at http://www.ncph.org